Paul Pogba is a boundary breaker, on and off the pitch. Supremely talented, he has a great ability to entertain. But he does so much more than this - from Paris to Manchester, Manchester to Turin and back again, this World Cup-winning icon goes beyond the borders of football, sport and culture. As a seeker of progress, he inspires those around him, in the football world and beyond. Like Pogba, narrator and actor Tahar Rahim hails from France and both bring huge personality to everything they do.
Paul Pogba is a boundary breaker, on and off the pitch. Supremely talented, he has a great ability to entertain. But he does so much more than this - from Paris to Manchester, Manchester to Turin and back again, this World Cup-winning icon goes beyond the borders of football, sport and culture. As a seeker of progress, he inspires those around him, in the football world and beyond. Like Pogba, narrator and actor Tahar Rahim hails from France and both bring huge personality to everything they do.

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