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Helping Our Healthcare Workers with 3D Printed Face Shields

Release Date: 13 Apr 2020

First, we collaborated with Carbon to reimagine high-performance footwear using 3D printed technology. 

Now, we've come together to redirect our efforts to aid the global health crisis. Using the same material co-created for our 4D midsoles, we've teamed up to produce 3D printed face shields to support U.S. healthcare organizations, first responders and underserved communities that have the greatest need and don't have access to adequate supplies. 


The ambition behind using the highly elastic, tear resistant material called Elastomeric Polyurethane, typically used in adidas 4D midsoles, is to create a piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) that can be sanitized* and reused, with the hopes of eliminating waste during a time of scarcity. 

Additionally, the material provides a more comfortable alternative to support those in the front lines as they work long hours, continuing to risk their lives to save others.


Through our support and the quick production turnaround that 3D printing enables, Carbon has been able to scale production from 18,000 face shields a week to upwards of 50,000. 

To scale even further, Carbon is also sharing print files with its entire global network so anyone with access to a Carbon printer and material will be able to create face shields to address needs in their local areas.  


Organizations in need can submit a request at or by email to The team will respond to as many requests as possible, prioritizing those areas that have the most severe shortages and greatest need.

The collaboration with Carbon is one of several steps we have taken to support COVID-19 relief efforts, having previously made donations to the World Health Organization, the China Youth Development Foundation, hospitals in South Korea and the Red Cross.


*Each hospital should determine appropriate use / reuse protocols based on a review of the product by the hospital's Infection Control group. 

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