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You Know What Time It Is

Release Date: 10 Nov 2017
Damian Lillard is no stranger to basketball’s biggest moments. Through the first 10 games of the 2017-18 season, he leads the league in clutch scoring with 42 points on 58-percent from the field and 33-percent from three. Celebrating his ability to come through when his team and city need him most, adidas introduces the all-black edition of Dame Time.    
Red stripes are displayed on the outsole, while “0.9” is flashed in red on the lace band to commemorate the time remaining on the clock when Dame drained a game-winning three to upset the Houston Rockets in Game 6 on May 3, 2014.
“I just couldn’t believe that a moment like that happened to me. As a kid you walk away from the court like, ‘5, 4, 3, 2, 1…’ and on that stage to make that shot it was just crazy,” Dame explained on Viceland’s Duses & Mero. “I remember when I made the shot and I turned around, in my mind I really felt like it was going in all along. But when I turned around and I couldn’t hear my teammates, I had a two or three second moment where I was like, ‘I can’t believe it went in. That really happened.’” 
Dame Time ($115) drops November 10 on
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